2015 AEE Conference—Trauma Workshop

Trauma Workshop

A BIG thanks to everyone who attended the Trauma Workshop this year. It was a great afternoon for me and I enjoyed getting to meet many of you and hear more about what you’re doing in your corner of the world. I hope the information and resources were (are) helpful as you continue to work with those that need the greatest help and compassion.

Below are the resources you asked for. Feel free to share this information with anyone else who might find it helpful for themselves or their organizations.

If you have more questions or feedback, please feel free to use the comments below or send me an email to talk in person.

If you think this information or other similar topics would be helpful for your organization and you’d like an in-person presentation, I love being able to equip as many people as possible and would be happy to talk more about how to set that up.

Thanks again.


Workshop Resources

Audio—Below is the entire presentation (Total time is 2:38). You can stream live or download and listen at your convenience.

PowerPoint—.pdf version (Link opens in a new Tab or Window.)

Printed NotesComplete version or Fill-in-the-blank version (Link opens in a new Tab or Window.)

Movie Clips—So you can see and hear the clips better, I’ve included them below.

Quigley Down Under—The Trauma Cycle Part 1

Quigley Down Under—The Trauma Cycle Part 2

Praxis Experiential—The nonprofit I’ve started to build the first indoor challenge course in the Pacific Northwest. We also do mobile and on-site courses.

SmartTherapist.com—General therapy resources (It’s been a little while since I’ve updated the info… more content to come shortly.)