Photo Credit: db Photography | Demi-Brooke via Compfight cc
It sucks when the unexpected happens.
Getting laid off of a job you just got… The used car breaks down four weeks after you bought it… The person you’ve been dating decides to break up with you… Your husband decides he doesn’t want to be married any more.
All of these are painful in-and-of themselves.
But when they make you start to doubt yourself and your decision making ability, that’s when it gets a little harder to recover from.
While there is no easy answer to rebuilding your self confidence, there is one favorite tool I learned.
I was taught to never judge past decisions with current information.
If I can say, “Yes, I made the best decision with the information I had at the time”, then I can trust that I made the right decision.
There Are No Crystal Balls
You do not have the ability to tell the future. You cannot plan for every contingency or issue that may come up.
If you try, you’ll drive yourself crazy. You’ll think your way into indecision and you’ll end up being frozen and stuck.
It’s okay that you tried. It’s okay that you risked. It’s okay that you attempted to better yourself and your life.
When you hit a road block—or major canyon—you WILL figure out a way around it. You have never gotten stuck before, and you won’t this time.
Free Resource
Keeping this message in front of you is important. To make that easier, I built a simple poster (8.5″ x 11″) that you can print out and hang on your fridge, in your cubicle, or on your steering wheel.
Just click here to download the .pdf.
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